United Merchants PLC

United Merchants PLC

Since the incorporation, the key objective of United Merchants PLC (Unimer) has been to create a business climate for the stability of the trade, in which both merchants and suppliers can, without restriction, operate trading arrangements through one accounting centre for greater profitability of both parties.

The primary role of Unimer is to act as a central counter-party to clearing members and in doing so, reducing their counter-party risk. Unimer also indirectly facilitates increased liquidity in the market and enables members to net off their long and short positions which ultimately reduces the costs of trading.

Contact Details

Office Address

United Merchants PLC
Unimer House, Dominion Way
Rustington, Littlehampton
West Sussex, UK BN16 3GX
Phone: +44-1903-859-955
Fax: +44-1903-859-988


Managing Director

Howard Grant

Finance Manager

Graham Nash

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