Texans for Lawsuit Reform

Texans for Lawsuit Reform are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents from all across Texas. TLR are small business owners, homemakers, and community volunteers. TLR are lawyers who want our profession back, and plant managers who want our companies to expand facilities to create jobs for Texans. TLR are consumers who want to eliminate the wasteful "tort tax" from the products and services produced in Texas. We are ranchers and teachers who have anguished over needless lawsuits. TLR are doctors and nurses who have seen our colleagues abandon their chosen professions because of the emotional and financial toll imposed by legal assaults. TLR are the citizens of Texas who want a better future for ourselves and our children. We're the faces of Texas...more than 16,000 individual supporters in 857 towns and cities, representing 1,266 different trades, businesses and professions.
Contact Details
Office Address
Texans for Lawsuit Reform
1701 Brun Street
Suite 100
Houston, TX, USA 77019
Phone: (713) 963-9363
Fax: (713) 963-9787
Chairman and CEO
Leo E. Linbeck Jr.
Chairman and CEO
Richard W. (Dick) Weekley