Applied Intellectual Capital creates sustainable, market-driven solutions for meeting today’s emerging challenges. As a product development company, AIC funds, develops, patents, and commercializes breakthrough technologies in electrochemistry.AIC is committed to developing and defining electrochemical technologies and engineering practices that support a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable future. With its own research and rapid-prototyping facilities, AIC nurtures applied science technologies, from ideas and lab notes to commercial-ready products and services. Our time to market can be as little as two years – that’s a significant improvement over the seven-plus years commonly associated with the applied-science sector.AIC streamlines research and development by investing in complementary sets of applied sciences that the company then spins out into dedicated technology companies addressing a range of important markets. Simply put, what AIC learns in one market application it applies to another. With its established laboratories, engineering facilities, and experienced staff, AIC avoids the need to build additional resources for each new business stream.