Maine Pointe, L.L.C.

Maine Pointe, L.L.C.

Maine Pointe helps companies improve operational efficiencies and increase profits. Its services include analysis of existing processes, project implementation, training, and audits. Maine Pointe's areas of expertise include sales, procurement, process improvement, and logistics. The firm also advises companies preparing to expand into international markets, as it has offices in Shanghai, China, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It serves clients in the manufacturing, financial services, media, software, travel, retail, and distribution industries. Maine Pointe was formed through the 2004 merger of Maine Point Communications and Entirety Management Services.

Contact Details

Office Address

Maine Pointe, L.L.C.
Independence Wharf, 470 Atlantic Ave., 4th Floor
Boston, MA, USA 02210
Phone: (617) 273-8450
Fax: (617) 273-8001


President and CEO

Steven J. Bowen

Business Reviews for Maine Pointe, L.L.C.

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