British Red Cross

British Red Cross

The British Red Cross is dedicated to providing aid in emergencies and conflicts throughout the UK and around the globe. British Red Cross organization offers first-aid training, refugee services, international tracing for families, and independent living support, with the help of 35,000 trained volunteers and 2,500 employees. The organization also helps communities solve the problems of disease and hunger. With a history that stretches back to 1870, the British Red Cross is part of the larger International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is based in Switzerland. British Red Cross are a volunteer-led humanitarian organisation that helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.

Contact Details

Office Address

British Red Cross
44 Moorfields
London, UK EC2Y 9AL
Phone: +44-844-871-1111
Fax: +44-20-7562-2000



James M.T. Cochrane

Chief Executive

Sir Nicholas Young

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