Masterfile Corporation

Masterfile Corporation

Masterfile is a visual content provider - a stock photo agency - with a large collection of Rights-Managed and Royalty-Free photos and illustrations by world-class artists covering a wide range of subjects. We acquire, organize, distribute and license images for commercial use in media ranging from print advertising to websites - a growing world market exceeding $2 billion. Our images are acquired under exclusive contract from professional photographers and illustrators who are paid a royalty every time an image is licensed. The images are stored digitally, showcased, licensed and delivered instantly to business clients worldwide via the Internet 24/7.

Masterfile’s corporate headquarters are in Toronto, Canada. Masterfile has its European Headquarters in Düsseldorf and sales offices in London, Milan and Paris. Additionally, we have strategic alliances with independent agents in 38 other countries.

Contact Details

Office Address

Masterfile Corporation
3 Concorde Gate
4th Floor
Toronto, ON, Canada M3C 3N7
Phone: (416) 929-3000
Fax: (416) 929-2104



Steve Pigeon


Cheong Chiu

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