Maxwell Locke & Ritter LLP

Maxwell Locke & Ritter LLP

Maxwell Locke & Ritter LLP is dedicated to refining and redefining our products and services to respond to the increasing demands of our clients. Our audit services go beyond simply expressing an opinion on financial statements. We focus not only on the numbers, but we also look critically at your operations while performing the audit. We constantly explore new ways to help you achieve your business objectives, strengthen management and improve profitability.

Stock-based compensation plans are well known to many people, but they present many pitfalls and potentially unexplored advantages for the unwary. We recommend that, where possible, you secure sound advice and seasoned professional advisors. If you intend to set up the plan yourself, the need for outside input becomes even more crucial. Our advisors can assist with helping you understand both the tax implications and the financial statement implications of different stock-based compensation plans. We work with you to achieve the desired results in the most advantageous manner.

Contact Details

Office Address

Maxwell Locke & Ritter LLP
401 Congress Avenue
Suite 1100
Austin, TX, USA 78701
Phone: (512) 370-3200
Fax: (512) 370-3250

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