VOGT electronic AG

VOGT electronic makes components for the electrical and electronics industry. Its products are used in control and switching systems for consumer goods, home appliances, cars, communications equipment, office equipment, data processing, entertainment products, and industrial electronics. Products include transformers, chokes, coils, actuators, ferrite cores, plastic parts, inductive components, antenna coils, sensors, and lighting systems and lamps. VOGT electronic also offers contract manufacturing of inductive components, printed circuit boards, and complete electronic assemblies. Sumida Corp., a Japanese holding company, acquired majority control of VOGT in early 2006 through a friendly takeover bid.
Contact Details
Office Address
VOGT electronic AG
Dr. Hans-Vogt-Platz 1
Obernzell, Germany D-94130
Phone: +49-85-91-937-0
Fax: +49-85-91-937-103
Chairman Management Board
Hans-Joachim Dittloff
CFO and Member Executive Board
Peter Frankfurter