Andhra Pradesh Real Estate Developer's Association, popularly known as ‘APREDA’ is a shining star in the Reality Sector in A.P. It has been rendering great service to all the stake holders since its inception on the 7th of April 1995. During these 18 years, APREDA played a pivotal role in the real estate industry by increasing transparency, enhancing credibility and building confidence between the developers / builders and the property purchasers. This has been possible with the continuous interaction, constant endeavor and persuasive tenacity with which APREDA worked with the government of A.P. and the developers / builders.
Contact Details
Office Address
Plot No. 43 - A, Journalist Colony - A
Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad, TS 500033
Phone: +91-40-65572184
Mobile: +91-9989844467
Fax: +91-40-23541447