Darshan Foods Pvt. Ltd.,

The company maintains an excellent in-house Quality Control Laboratory which is fully equipped to test its product quality. All products are packed in virgin grade packaging materials and pass through stringent quality control checks and metal detection before being dispatched to customers in India and overseas. Darshan Foods has been relentlessly working towards improving its own quality and packaging to deliver its customers the very best and setting benchmark industry standards.Wide distribution network and company offices ensure consistent and fresh supplies to cities all over India.Delicatessen Stores in company owned company operated format along with shop-in-shop concept are also being operated by the company in major metro cities.
Contact Details
Contact Address
Darshan Foods Pvt. Ltd.,
Udyog Vihar Phase V
Gurgaon, HY 122016
Phone: +91-124-4019191
Fax: +91 124 410 9192