Hotel Shri Radhekrishna
Hotel Shri Radhekrishna is a luxury hotel, an undisputed top choice among hotels options across the Madhya Pradesh and luxury hotels choices at Omkareshwar, with an extra touch in style, comfort and services. This happening place with pristine values of river Narmada and natures magic in the form of hill attraction is situated along with a privileged location of Omkareshwar, At Hotel Shri Radhekrishna we offer an extensive variety of services, including Special Poojan packages, tour & holiday packages, exciting adventure tours, superbcuisine, comfortable rooms, Marriege garden, 24 hours internet facilities, all with great Naramada view and surrounded with the captivating magic of the forests. Your never ending search of luxury hotels and hotels with complete peace of mind on the web ends only at Hotel Shri Radhekrishna, Omkareshwar. Provide world class profitable Hospitality with total Guest Orientation, spiritual and healthy environment for all our respected customer.