Automat Industries Pvt. Ltd.

In the global economy where quality & reliability are the prerequisites for a successful organization, Automat has proved its credentials and has emerged as a leader in manufacturing customized high precision parts & irrigation products. Started its operations in 1972 with a philosophy to offer quality products, today Automat manufactures top of the line irrigation products for varied clientele at multiple locations in India, for customers globally. Continuous endeavor is to incorporate innovation in design, development, manufacture and delivery of products in volumes. Automat is a leading product manufacturer in the irrigation industry. The biggest strength of Automat lies in its ability to integrate knowledge, skills & resources from different fields of engineering to develop reliable products and come up with cost competitive solutions. Automat products showcase the dynamism and vibrancy of an organization committed to giving quality products to its customers.
Contact Details
Registered Office
Automat Industries Pvt. Ltd.
18-19, Dilshed Garden
G.T Road
New Delhi, DH 110095
Phone: +91-11-22583027, 22574746
Fax: +91-11-43099807, 22121035