HLL Lifecare Limited

HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL) commenced its journey to serve the Nation in the area of healthcare, on 1st March 1966, with its incorporation as a corporate entity under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. HLL was set up in the natural rubber rich state of Kerala, for the production of male contraceptive sheaths for the National Family Welfare Programme.
Contact Details
Contact Address
HLL Lifecare Limited
Mahilamandiram road
Thiruvananthapuram , KL 695012
Phone: +91-471-2354949
Peroorkada Factory, Thiruvananthapuram
HLL Lifecare Limited
Unit Chief HLL Lifecare Limited Peroorkada
Thiruvananthapuram, KL 695005
Phone: +91-471-2437270, 2433602
Fax: +91-471-2432409, 2435013