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  This page contains the list of companies in Security and Safety Services category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» A.P.Securitas (P) Ltd.
Theft... Dacoity... Fire... Kidnapping... Events that come unannounced and leave in their wake untold suffering. With the varied services of the APS Group, you can either safeguard against their occurrence or choose to do nothing. The choice is yours.The Genesis of the APS Group lies in the Indian Army. After a distinguished service career spanning 41 years with the....

» Abacus Softech Ltd.
Company Your Company was founded in 2000 and already for Number of Years takes the leading position on the Your Market market.Our main specialization is Your Business Destination. Our company employs highly trained specialists who are constantly improving methods of their work and whose knowledge is verified by the corresponding certificates.We place the clients and their needs as the....

» Agile Security Force Pvt. Ltd
Industrial Security, Corporate Security, Events Security, VIP Protection, Cash Escort Vans, Armed Guards, Trained Body Guards, Private Investigation.

» Agni Equipment
Fire Extinguishers, Fire Suits, Dry Powders And Foams, Fire Hoses And Couplings, Sprayers And Sprinklers, Water And Foam Monitors, Smoke And Heat Detectors.

» Alba Control Systems Ltd.
One of the premier Security Systems Integrator and solutions provider in India, Alba Control Systems Ltd has been in the business of Integrated Solutions for the last 16 years. Founded and established in the year 1989, our professional approach in designing systems towards optimal application, backed by uncompromised quality, customer support and competitive pricing have been some of the....

» Alert Fire Services
Alert Fire Services was started in the year 1981 with sole objective of meeting requirement of quality Fire Fighting equipments. From humble beginning we graduated to ISO 9002 Standards. On 14-01-2002 the company was acquired by Tyco, which is one of the largest company in the world, offering products and services to diverse market segments. Due to strategic ....

» Aruna Agencies
Fire Safety Engineers. Authorised dealers for Gunnebo India Limited, Minimax Division.

» Axis Protection System
This organization established by a strong team of Entrepreneurs, who has experience of more than 10 years in various fields of Trading, Manufacturing and Marketing, in wide variety of domestic and imported electronic products in India.We have expertise in providing fully integrated Security Solutions for every kind of places- Homes, Corporate Offices, Farm houses, Industries, Hospitals, Schools- You name....

» Bombay Intelligence Security India Ltd.
BIS is the only security agency in India to be certified ISO 9001:2000. Only Security agency to be entrusted by the Reserve Bank of India for managing cash chests of ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, IDBI Bank and Saraswat Bank. Unique in that we are the only security agency in Asia to have our own training Institute, the....

» Brio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Brio is comprehensive business solution provider, integrating software and hardware. We specialize in software, electronics and wireless communication product development. Brio was started in 2001 with an intention of Simplifying Business by providing comprehensive yet simple solutions. Brio is a team of people with exemplary commitment to deliver on time, every time. Domain knowledge expertise with on-the-floor....

» Cease Fire Safety Systems
Cease Fire Safety Systems is an Indian Company Specialised in the field of Fire Protection with an experience of over 35 years. We operate on a National level and are backed with an efficient Sales & Service network spread out on a regional basis throughout the country.Our aim, objective and passion is Fire Safety. We focus on continuous improvement....

» Co2 Fyr Fyter Co.
we deal with fire equipments bussiness

» DATs India
Systems integration forms the core of the DATS India business model. DATS India provides Integrated Security, Safety and Building Automation solutions on a turnkey basis. The value addition that DATS offers is based on its in-depth understanding of technology behind the solution and consequently its ability to better engineer the application.Other than Europlex products, DATS incorporates into its solutions,....

» Eagle Hunter Solutions Ltd
Eagle Hunter Solutions Ltd. is a leading Security and Detective organization. Established way back in 1982, we have come a long way in providing reliable and cost effective security solutions for the protection of life and property. A correct blend of skills and resources, developed and perfected by us over the years has enabled us to provide unparalleled and....

» Eagle's Eye Detective Agency
Investigation is a very wider field in which there is a solution for all your problems either in your personal life or in business. We introduce ourselves as private, crime and civil investigation agency providing impeccable services to companies and individuals for the past 10 years with advanced investigation techniques. Our modus of operandi' will be entirely different from....

» Expert Industrial Security Pvt. Ltd.
EXPERTSGROUP™ is headed by a team of highly experienced professionals and retired senior services officers having professional credentials and expertise in security management at the macro level of Corporate houses, Industrial Establishments, Banks, Private Sector undertaking, Commercial Establishments and personal security for senior Executives.With fast deteriorating security scenario in the country, the increasing crime rate and the danger of....

» G.H.R.S Security & Detectives
The company has a dedicated team of qualified, trained and experienced persons exposed to international quality standards, tools and technology.....

» Guardwell Detective Services Pvt. Ltd.
The industrial and business scenario is fast changing. Increased industrial activity and production brings with it greater unrest and more security threats. The need for proper security in every organisation is increasing. The role of a professional security organisation today is seen as an equally important input in the growth of an organisation, a need that cannot be ignored.Guardwell....

» Gunnebo India Ltd.
From January 1 2006, Gunnebo has homogeneous organisations - Customer Centres – in each country/region where Gunnebo operates. Those Customer Centres will in the long run replace all existing Gunnebo-companies in those countries. This change is done in order to grow organic by better serving the Group’s customers with integrated security solutions.To support the Customer Centres, there are six....

» Hawk Security Services Pvt. Ltd.
Since 1983 Interface Security Systems has exceeded customer expectations by providing a broad range of high-level next generation security alarm services and solutions custom designed and engineered to meet the specific needs of our clients. We provide design and engineering as well as a vertically integrated sales, installation and technical support organization. Our state-of-the-art UL Listed Secure Operations Center....

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