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  This page contains the list of companies in Courier & Shipping Services category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» 4 Ways(N.E.W.S) Packers & Movers
we provide services in moving and packing

» A-1 Packers & Movers
The profile of any packer has to be a common agenda. A packing & moving company's profile will only indicate that the main job is to be employ professionally well trained packers, whose job would be supervised by well mannered well behaved supervisors who would act as a bridge between the customers and the packing force. We are....

» Afl Pvt. Ltd.
afl's express division has ushered world class standards in domestic couriering for the first time in india. After having pioneered the first international express service in india in 1979 in tie up with dhl, afl has led the express industry for the last two and half decade.

» Agarwal Packers & Movers
The transportation facilities are provided by DRS Transport (P) Limited as per the needs and demands of the Indian industry. DRS, from time to time provided latest options and first organization to introduce Dry Cargo Container in the India, since then revolutionized the transportation circles.DRS Group is having a annual turnover of Rs.120 crores and has spread it’s network....

» All India Movers & Packers
ALL INDIA MOVERS & PACKERS are specialist in TOTAL & PROFESSIONAL service of Packing & Moving from any place to another within the Country.With an assurance of Time, Safety and Economy.ALL INDIA Movers & Packers offer a comprehensive and total door-to-door moving and relocation service including packing, shipping, transportation, forwarding, warehousing, insurance and custom clearance.

» ALL INDIA Movers & Packers

ALL INDIA Movers & Packers is a division of INTERSTATE TRANSPORT OF INDIA(HYD) - Leaders in Transportation Industry. It offers a comprehensive and total door-to-door moving and relocation service including packing, shipping, transportation, forwarding, warehousing, insurance and custom clearance.

» All India Packers And Movers
Moving?........No Problem India can be very friendly and hassles free if handled by right kind of professionals who perform their work not as duty but are dedicated to the cause of service.No destination in any country or on any continent is too distant or too difficult for us to handle. We offer full comprehensive door to door moving and....

» Allier Lemur
Allied is the largest and most respected moving services network in the world, with over 800 locations around the world. We have developed a series of quality programmes to ensure a trouble free moving experience.
Our Quality Programmes include:
Global Service Charter - This is an agreed service level agreement between all Allied offices around the world, ensuring world-class standards and consistent....

» Ankur Cargo Carries
Sister Concern: India Cargo Movers

» Baba Packers And Movers

BABA PACKERS AND MOVERS is well established reputed and professionally managed company having own branches and network all over India. The company has been providing excellent services throughout country. The BEST packing and moving company in India, provide international standard of quality and service based on its modern facilities, new technology, different types of own vehicles and skilled experience personals.

» Bharati Shipyard Ltd
Bharati Shipyard Limited, a leading Indian private sector shipyard is engaged in design and construction of Sea-going, Coastal, Harbour, Inland crafts and vessels. The product range which initially was limited to simple inland cargo barges, deep-sea trawlers and dredgers has now been upgraded to building maneuverable and power-packed Ocean Going Tractor Tugs, Cargo Ships, Tankers and other support vessels....

» Blue Dart Express Ltd
Blue Dart Express Ltd was South Asia's leading integrated air express carrier and premium logistics-services provider. They have the most extensive domestic network covering over 13,880 locations, and service more than 220 countries and territories worldwide through they Sales alliance with DHL, the premier global brand name in express distribution services.

The company vision is to establish continuing excellence....

» Chowgule Steamships Ltd
Chowgule Steamships Limited (CSL), was incorporated in April 1963, with the main objective of meeting the transportation needs of iron ore exports of Chowgule & Company Ltd., the parent company of the Group. Initially, CSL started its operations with three liberty type ships, which which were soon replaced with modern bulk carriers to respond to the emerging market needs.


» Citi Trans Packers & Movers
Our company was established in the year 1992 under the name & style "citi trans packers & movers "with dedicated work & satisfaction of our clients a steady progress has been made over the years. Our company was formed with the great efforts of with his great efforts & joint efforts of team work the company has....

» Courier (South) PVT.LTD
we are sending quickly. we do all types of courier services.

Our Worldwide Network of offices and agencies are substantial industry Express companies in their respective Countries, providing peace of mind to our local customers. "Net-Trak" our fully integrated shipment tracking system, links our network of Worldwide offices, allowing every DPEX Country to exchange data, thereby ensuring our customers can be fully updated on the status of their shipment at....

DTDC Courier & Cargo Ltd. (DTDC) was incorporated in 1990. Within a span of 17 years, through its business associates DTDC expanded its delivery network across the length & breadth of the country, thereby creating the nation’s Largest Domestic Delivery Network. Today DTDC is one of the largest Indian company in the Express industry, with the company enjoying a....

» Essar Shipping Ltd
Essar Shipping Ltd. (ESL) is one of the world's leading integrated sea logistics companies, with a special focus on transportation solutions for the global energy business. A strong management team of experienced marine professionals steers the company, maintaining customer focus, world-class operations, an impressive safety record and a consistent financial performance.

They fleet accounts for almost 14% of India's....

» Evergreen Packers & Movers
We take the opportunity in introducing ourselves as one of best and leading packers and movers in India.Evergreen Packers & Movers is a professional team of workers, has been in this field for the past 8 years.We have been shifting house hold goods more safely, reliable and at affordable cost.We have branches at Bangalore. With storage facility and with....

» Far N Par(India) Private Ltd

The shipping division operates under two main businesses: dry bulk carriers and tankers. A sizeable part of the tankers enjoy approvals from oil giants like SHELL, BP, EXXONMOBIL, CHEVRONTEXACO, TOTALFINAELF and BHP, to name a few. Backed by an enviable clientele comprising industry leaders, international oil companies and governments who vouch for its services, the division has earned the....

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