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  This page contains the list of companies in Banks category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Allahabad Bank
Allahabad Bank is the oldest Public Sector Bank in India having branches all over India and serving the customers since 1865. offers wide ranging attractive Deposit Schemes to the Non-Resident Indians. with a tradition of trust towards its customers and customer-oriented employees renders efficient services.

» Andhra Bank
Andhra Bank was founded by Dr.Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya. The Bank was registered on 20th November 1923 and commenced business on 28th November 1923 with a paid up capital of Rs 1.00 lakh and an authorised capital of Rs 10.00 lakhs. The Bank's Total Business as on date stood at over Rs.49,000 Crores with a Clientele base over 1.30 Crores.


» Bank of Baroda
It has been a long and eventful journey of almost a century across 21 countries. Starting in 1908 from a small building in Baroda to its new hi-rise and hi-tech Baroda Corporate Centre in Mumbai, is a saga of vision, enterprise, financial prudence and corporate governance. It is a story scripted in corporate wisdom and social pride.

It is....

» Bank of India
Bank of India was founded on 7th September, 1906 by a group of eminent businessmen from Mumbai. The Bank was under private ownership and control till July 1969 when it was nationalised along with 13 other banks.

The Bank beginning with one office in Mumbai, with a paid-up capital of Rs.50 lakh and 50 employees, the Bank has made a....

» Bank of Maharashtra
Bank of Maharashtra was Registered on 16th Sept 1935 with an authorized capital of Rs 10.00 lakh and commenced business on 8th Feb 1936. It now has 1292 branches (as of 30th September 2005) all over India.

The Bank has the largest network of branches by any Public sector bank in the state of Maharashtra. The bank has fine....

» Bank Of Punjab Ltd
Centurion Bank of Punjab is a new generation private sector bank offering a wide spectrum of retail, SME and corporate banking products and services.

It has been among the earliest banks to offer a technology-enabled customer interface that provides easy access and superior customer service.

Centurion Bank of Punjab has a nationwide reach through its network of 240 branches....

» Bank of Punjab Ltd
Centurion Bank of Punjab is a new generation private sector bank offering a wide spectrum of retail, SME and corporate banking products and services.

It has been among the earliest banks to offer a technology-enabled customer interface that provides easy access and superior customer service.

Centurion Bank of Punjab has a nationwide reach through its network of 240 branches....

» Canara Bank
Canara Bank is one of the premier banks in the country, accredited with umpteen distinctions. The present stature of the Bank is due to its strong fundamentals and quality customer orientations.

Profit making since inception, the Bank today epitomizes a perfect blend of commercial and social banking. For the year March 2005, the Bank clocked the highest net....

» Centurion Bank Ltd
Centurion Bank has an extensive network of branches across India. Each branch has access to Centurion Banks technologies to offer you unparalled services.

Centurion Bank, as its very positioning suggests, has an extensive network of branches across India. And each of these branches are harnessed to state of the art technologies to offer unparallel customer service.

But of course, they....

» Centurion Bank Of Punjab
Centurion Bank of Punjab is a new generation private sector bank offering a wide spectrum of retail, SME and corporate banking products and services. It has been among the earliest banks to offer a technology-enabled customer interface that provides easy access and superior customer service. Centurion Bank of Punjab has a nationwide reach through its network of 249 branches and....

» Centurion Bank of Punjab Ltd
Centurion Bank has an extensive network of branches across India. Each branch has access to Centurion Banks technologies to offer you unparalled services.

Centurion Bank, as its very positioning suggests, has an extensive network of branches across India. And each of these branches are harnessed to state of the art technologies to offer unparallel customer service.

But of course, they....

» City Union Bank Ltd
City Union Bank has tied up with Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) for marketing export credit Insurance products through company Branch network, to serve company customers more particularly those in the International Trade. 100 Memorable years in welfare. oriented Banking. Banking Institution that symbolises Trust and Tradition. Banking Vision that Combines Tradition and Technology. Traditional Banking with enduring relationship.....

» Corporation Bank
Corporation Bank was established in the year 1906, Corporation Bank is an organisation based on the traditional Indian values of service to the community. Corp Bank is regarded as one of the well-run banks in the comity of Public Sector Banks in the country.

The Bank has a unique history of 99 years of successful Banking and has....

» Dena Bank
Dena Bank was founded on 26th May, 1938 by the family of Devkaran Nanjee under the name Devkaran Nanjee Banking Company Ltd.

It became a Public Ltd. Company in December 1939 and later the name was changed to Dena Bank Ltd.

In July 1969 Dena Bank Ltd. along with 13 other major banks was nationalized and is now a Public Sector....

» Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd
The Dhanalakshmi Bank Limited (DLB) headquartered at Thrissur in Kerala, is a professionally managed Bank. Started seven decades back, at a time when banking was less known to the people. In a high literate state of Kerala, the bank grew in strength over the years. The DLB has today 178 branches spread over Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,....

» Federal Bank Ltd
Federal Bank has played a pioneer role in developing and deploying new technology assisted customer friendly products and services. A few of its early moves are cited below: First, among the traditional banks in the country to introduce Internet Banking Service through FedNet, First among the traditional banks to have all its branches automated. First and only Bank among....

» HDFC Bank Ltd
HDFC Bank was incorporated in August 1994 as HDFC Bank Limited, the bank now has a wide network of over 531 branches across 228 cities in India, and over a thousand networked ATM's. All the facts and figures highlighting the rapid growth of HDFC Bank over the last nine years. Join the workforce of India's leading private sector bank....

» ICICI Bank Ltd
ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets of about Rs.1,676.59 bn(US$ 38.5 bn) at March 31, 2005 and profit after tax of Rs. 20.05 bn(US$ 461 mn) for the year ended March 31, 2005 (Rs. 16.37 bn(US$ 376 mn) in fiscal 2004). ICICI Bank has a network of about 573 branches and extension counters and over 2,000....

» Indian Overseas Bank
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) was founded on February 10th 1937, by Shri.M.Ct.M. Chidambaram Chettyar, a pioneer in many fields -Banking, Insurance and Industry with the twin objectives of specialising in foreign exchange business and overseas banking.

IOB has been committed to and involved in various social causes, the most prominent being women empowerment - the Sakthi IOB Chidambaram Chettiar....

» Indusind Bank Ltd
Conceptualised by Mr. Srichand P. Hinduja, one of India's leading non-resident businessmen, IndusInd Bank was born from the vision to use collective contributions from the worldwide NRI community towards India's social and economic development.

The Bank commenced operations on April 11, 1994 with a capital base of Rs. 100 crores (Euro 21 million). In the ten years that have....

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