VJIL offers its clients high quality, cost effective services and solutions encompassing all aspects of Information Technology with a special emphasis in providing enterprise information management, enterprise integration services, Data Warehousing services for its clients base which is predominantly in SME sector. Our customers include organisations from the financial, healthcare, oil and pharmaceuticals, retail, business services, education, IT and government sectors.VJIL is working towards SEI- CMM level 4 Information security management system ISO 27001(BS7799) for ensuring timely and quality delivering customer delight business continuity. VJIL has established its Mercury Outsource Management subsidiary to provide Business Process Outsourcing services with offshore capabilities in Hyderabad, India. MOM delivers a range of contact centre and data processing solutions to the market research, e-learning, debt management, insurance and other sectors.The company has formed its DataUnion Technologies subsidiary to deliver data migration and integration services and solutions based on its innovative DataUnion product and other third party tools. This product was developed using the experience and expertise gained from delivering projects to customers worldwide and offers the first Zero-Pain ETL tool for the SME market.