Andrews Kurth LLP

Andrews Kurth LLP

The lawyers at Andrews Kurth might carry 10-gallon briefcases in lieu of cowboy hats. A leading Texas law firm, Andrews Kurth maintains seven offices in the US (including four in the Lone Star State) and two more overseas. Overall, the firm has more than 400 lawyers. Andrews Kurth is prominent in corporate securities and energy work and has established itself in the international arena. Additional practice areas include bankruptcy, environmental law, labor issues, litigation, and real estate.

Real answers, clear vision and mutual respect permeate the firm’s success stories with clients, colleagues, communities and employees. Andrews Kurth embraces diversity and inclusion as a business imperative and an ethical responsibility. We strive to be a leader in the legal profession by building a high-performance team of diverse individuals to create a positive experience for our clients and our firm community.

Contact Details

Office Address

Andrews Kurth LLP
600 Travis
Suite 4200
Huston, TX, USA 77002
Phone: (713)-220-4200
Fax: (713)-220-4285


Partner and Chairman

Howard T. Ayers

Managing Partner and Director

Robert V. (Bob) Jewell

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