Avon Cosmetics Limited
The Avon lady has had her foot in the door in the UK since 1959, making the country one of the largest direct-selling markets for parent Avon Products. Avon has become one of the top handful of beauty brands in the country. Some 160,000 independent sales reps sell cosmetics directly to customers at home parties and work get-togethers. The company's catalog is distributed every three weeks to nearly 8 million potential customers. Avon Cosmetics' distribution center, located in Corby, processes about 10,000 orders daily. The company banned animal-testing of its products in 1989. To spur sales, the company has enlisted the help of industry professionals.
Contact Details
Office Address
Avon Cosmetics Limited
Nunn Mills Road
Northampton, Northamptonshire, USA NN15PA
Phone: +44-1604-232425
Fax: +44-1604-232444
Bennett R. (Ben) Gallina
Anna Segatti