NEC Display Solutions, Ltd.

NEC Display Solutions, Ltd.

NEC Display Solutions manufactures LCD monitors and projectors for the consumer, corporate, government, and medical markets. In addition to monitors for desktop computers, NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. makes products for such applications as airport information displays, medical equipment, merchandising displays, movie theaters, restaurant menus, and surveillance systems. Customers range from graphics arts designers to financial services providers. Previously a joint venture between NEC and Mitsubishi, the company took its current form as a wholly owned subsidiary of the NEC Group when Mitsubishi transferred its holding to NEC. NEC Display Solutions has operations around the world.

Contact Details

Office Address

NEC Display Solutions, Ltd.
MS Shibaura Building, 13-23
Shibaura 4-chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan 108-0023
Phone: +81-3-5446-5300
Fax: +81-3-5446-5485


President and CEO

Hirotoshi Matsuda


Yoshiaki Tsuda

Business Reviews for NEC Display Solutions, Ltd.

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