Chazak Value Corp

Chazak Value wants to capitalize on the potential of the smart card industry. After buying five smart card-related businesses between 1998 and 2000, it sold or closed all but one of the subsidiaries in 2000. Infineer, the remaining subsidiary, develops and sells smart card systems for corporate and educational campuses. Applications for its card systems include identification, payment, and vending photocopies, computer print-outs, and faxes.Faced with continued losses, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2007. It emerged from bankruptcy as a private company called Chazak Value in 2008. CEO Joseph Sarachek controls the company.
Contact Details
Office Address
Chazak Value Corp
75 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Fl.
New York, NY, USA 10019
Phone: +1-212-265-7013
Fax: +1-212-307-5781
Harry I. Freund
President and CEO
Joseph E. Sarachek