IdealHire Technologies, Inc.
Great companies are built with great employees. As businesses grow and diversify, acquiring the best talent at the right time is often the primary obstacle for achieving success. IdealHire Technologies, Inc. is dedicated to improving recruitment process sourcing to ensure that the best talent can be identified and selected fast, when they are needed.
IdealHire was founded in 2001. IdealHire team has decades of experience in HR, staffing, recruitment, business process improvement, organizational and software development. They recognized that todays recruitment process is inefficient and inaccurate and could be significantly improved by simplifying the process.
Based in Scottsdale, AZ IdealHire has developed breakthrough, process disruptive solutions and tools to improve recruitment process efficiency. Patent protected web-based matching, ranking and rich media technologies is delivered as a software as a service enabling employers to dramatically reduce the time and resources required for finding the best top talent. IdealHire levels the playing field for recruiters and job seekers enabling a paradigm shift in the recruitment process. The result is better quality hires, faster for less cost. Better quality hires means better retention and less turnover. Recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers can better use time to focus on mission critical objectives, which translates to a measurable bottom line improvement.
Contact Details
Bruce R. Culver
Don L. Redinius