Teknowledge Corporation

Teknowledge Corporation

Teknowledge Corporation is in the intelligent systems and software business. Teknowledge's services solutions involve processing application knowledge, and conducting flexible and secure transactions over the Internet. Knowledge processing enables organizations to codify their knowledge, represent it in machine readable forms, serve it to end users on the Internet via agents and forms, and provide value-added application services to businesses and end-users. Teknowledge's projects utilize knowledge processing to provide customers with state-of the-art software solutions that put knowledge to work.

Contact Details

Office Address

Teknowledge Corporation
2595 E. Bayshore Road
Suite 250
Palo Alto, CA, USA 94303
Phone: +1-650-424-0500
Fax: +1-650-493-2645


Chairman, President, and CEO

Neil A. Jacobstein

VP Finance, CFO and Secretary

Michael D. Kaplan

CTO and Program Manager Distributed Systems

Robert (Bob) Balzer

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