Paloma Systems, Inc.
Paloma Systems was established in 1998. Paloma Systems provides technology and communications systems engineering and integration services and support for both US government customers as well as the private sector. The company specializes in technology used to interact with federal computer, communications, and database systems. Paloma Systems' other services include program management support and webpage and database design. The company has sales partnerships with technology and communications vendors and service providers including Computer Sciences Corporation, Raytheon, and Verizon.
Contact Details
Office Address
Paloma Systems, Inc.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Suite 300 South
Fairfax, Virginia, USA 22030
Phone: +1-703-563-2060
Fax: +1-703-591-0985
President and CEO
Isabel C. Felsburg
VP Administration and CFO
Raul Pedrozo