Airtel ATN Ltd.
Airtel ATN's mission is to supply comprehensive airborne and ground data communication solutions to Airlines, Civil Aviation Authorities, Network Providers, Avionics Manufacturers, System Integrators and others in the aviation industry.
The company's primary focus of operations is the deployment of the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) for Air Traffic Management and Airline Operations.
Airtel and its predecessor, Vertel, have been centrally involved in ATN software developments since ATN's beginnings. By exploiting the extensive range of ISO-OSI products, tools and basic software developed by Vertel, Airtel has been ideally positioned to offer its clients a cost-effective route to ATN capability.
The company has collaborated with Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for Safety of Air Navigation, on the development of the Trials ATN Router, a major ATN software component which has since been deployed on a wide range of projects.
Contact Details
Frank O'Connor