Tractebel Engineering

Tractebel Engineering

Tractebel Engineering (formerly SUEZ-TRACTEBEL) is Belgium's top utility holding company and one of the world's top independent power producers, with operations in more than 100 countries on five continents (through Suez Energy International). As part of the family of companies that make up French energy conglomerate GDF SUEZ, Tractebel Engineering distributes electricity and natural gas; transports and stores gas; is involved in energy trading and marketing; and offers energy and industrial management, infrastructure, and engineering services. GDF SUEZ subsidiary and #1 power producer in Belgium, Electrabel, took ownership of the company in 2007.

Contact Details

Office Address

Tractebel Engineering
Avenue Ariane 7
Brussels, Belgium B-1200
Phone: +32-2-773-99-11
Fax: +32-2-510-75-91


Director of Nuclear Business Development

Paul Rorive

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