Falck S.p.A.

Falck S.p.A.

Falck Group makes its money through windy days, dead plants, and companies looking for a loan. The company maintains bioenergy and wind energy operations through publicly traded subsidiary Actelios. It also offers financial services to partners and suppliers through subsidiary Riesfactoring. Though it operates primarily in Italy, Falck's wind energy business is active in France, Spain, and the UK as well. The company was founded in 1906 by Giorgio Enrico Falck, a third-generation ironworker.

Contact Details

Office Address

Falck S.p.A.
Via Alberto Falck, 4-16
Milan, USA 20099
Phone: +39-02-2433-1
Fax: +39-02-2433-2394


Chairman and President

Federico Falck

Managing Director and Director

Achille Colombo

Business Reviews for Falck S.p.A.

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