Calvalley Petroleum Inc.

Calvalley Petroleum Inc.

Calvalley Petroleum searches below the plateau for fuel for its customers. The company focuses on exploring for and producing oil and natural gas at Block 9 in the Republic of Yemen. The company, which has about 16 working wells (more than 50 have been drilled), produces some 5,000 barrels of oil each day. Its subsidiary Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd. is the operator of the property, which includes about 552,000 acres of land in the Sayun-Masila basin. Calvalley Petroleum has a net proved plus probable reserves of 7.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Contact Details

Office Address

Calvalley Petroleum Inc.
600 - 6th Ave. SW, Ste. 700
Calgary, Alberta, USA T2P-OS5
Phone: (403) 297-0490
Fax: (403) 297-0499


Chairman and CEO

Edmund Shimoon

President, COO and Director

Memet Kont

Business Reviews for Calvalley Petroleum Inc.

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