The Norinchukin Bank
The Norinchukin Bank (Nochu for short) acts as the de facto central bank for nearly 5,000 agricultural, forestry and fishery cooperative systems in Japan. Most of the bank's deposits come from these agricultural and fishery cooperatives, which the bank uses for investments. It then disburses the profits and offers services such as loans to its members. The bank has 35 branches in Japan with domestic and foreign offices in Tokyo, London, New York, and Singapore. The bank, with mutual insurer Zenkyoren, controls Norinchukin-Zenkyoren Asset Management, which provides pension plans.
Contact Details
Office Address
The Norinchukin Bank
13-2, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan 100-8420
Phone: +81-3-3279-0111
Fax: +81-3-3218-5177
President and Co-CEO
Yoshio Kono