AgriBank, FCB

Formed in 1992, borrower-owned AgriBank also provides credit to rural electric, water, and telephone systems. AgriBank serves borrowers in 15 states stretching from Ohio to Wyoming and Minnesota to Arkansas. AgriBank puts the "green" in green acres. A financial intermediary, AgriBank provides wholesale lending and business services to Farm Credit System (FCS) associations in America's heartland. Established by Congress in 1916, the FCS is a nationwide network of cooperatives that provides loans and financial services for farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners, timber producers, and rural homeowners. Farm Credit System's co-ops write loans for homes, land, equipment, and other farm operating costs.
Contact Details
Office Address
AgriBank, FCB
375 Jackson St.
St. Paul, MN, USA 55101-1810
Phone: (651) 282-8800
Fax: (651) 282-8666
Thomas (Tom) Klahn
L. William (Bill) York