DCB Financial Corp

DCB Financial Corp

DCB Financial is the holding company for The Delaware County Bank and Trust, which serves individual and commercial customers through some 20 branches in central Ohio. The bank offers traditional products and services, such as checking and savings accounts, CDs, IRAs, credit and debit cards, and safe deposit facilities. Its loan portfolio primarily consists of commercial mortgages, residential mortgages, and home equity loans. The bank also writes construction, land development, industrial, and consumer loans. The Delaware County Bank and Trust provides insurance, investments, wealth management, and trust services, as well.

Contact Details

Office Address

DCB Financial Corp
P.O. Box 1001
Lewis Center, Ohio, USA 43035
Phone: (740) 657-7930
Fax: (740) 657-7901


Interim President, Interim CEO, and Director

David J. Folkwein


John A. Ustaszewski

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