Carrollton Bancorp
Carrollton Bancorp can baby-sit your money from Babe Ruth's hometown. The institution is the holding company for Carrollton Bank, a commercial bank serving Baltimore and surrounding areas from about a dozen branches. It offers standard retail services such as checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, and IRAs. Commercial real estate and residential mortgages account for about 45% and 20%, respectively, of the bank's loan portfolio. Bank subsidiary Carrollton Financial Services sells stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and annuities; Carrollton Mortgage Services originates and sells residential mortgages.
Contact Details
Office Address
Carrollton Bancorp
344 N. Charles St., Ste. 300
Baltimore, MD, USA 21201-4301
Phone: (410) 536-7386
Fax: (410) 625-0355
Albert R. (Skip) Counselman
President and CEO, Carrollton Bancorp and Carrollton Bank
Robert A. Altieri