Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company
Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company, also known as Portage Mutual is in business since 1884, Portage Mutual has a long history providing property/casualty insurance. Started as a farm mutual, the company has continued serving the farming community, but it has branched out into other lines as well. The company sells agricultural, automobile, and homeowners' insurance; other lines include those geared for contractors, home businesses, offices, and retailers. Portage Mutual has offices in Manitoba, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan.
Contact Details
Office Address
Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company
749 Saskatchewan Ave East
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada R1N3B8
Phone: (204) 857-3415
Fax: (204) 239-6655
Don L. Blight
President, CEO, and Board Member
Tom W. McCartney