PartnerRe Ltd.
Through subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America, PartnerRe Ltd writes treaty (groups of risks) and facultative (individual risks) reinsurance for such primary coverage as property, casualty, and life insurance, as well as catastrophe, energy, marine, and other specialty insurance. PartnerRe was one of several pure-catastrophe reinsurers founded in the tax haven of Bermuda after Hurricane Andrew made reinsurance glamorous. The company provides services for customers in more than 150 countries. PartnerRe operates from about 20 offices around the globe.
Contact Details
Office Address
PartnerRe Ltd.
Wellesley House, 90 Pitts Bay Road
Pembroke, Bermuda HM08
Phone: +441-292-0888
Fax: +441-292-6080
Jean-Paul L. Montupet
CEO and Director
Patrick A. Thiele