HSB Group, Inc
Since our founding in 1866, Hartford Steam Boiler has had a culture that values technical expertise. Our engineering knowledge and experience enables us to understand the causes for loss. We then recommend risk management and loss prevention solutions that help our customers reduce their losses and improve their underwriting results.Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) is headquartered in Hartford, Conn. We serve businesses, industries and institutions worldwide.Review HSB At-a-Glance for an overview of Hartford Steam Boiler's capabilities. HSB Group, Inc., the parent company of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, was acquired by Munich Re on April 1, 2009.
Contact Details
Office Address
HSB Group, Inc
1 State St
Hartford, CT , USA 06103
Phone: (860) 722-1866
Fax: (860) 722-5106
Richard H. Booth
President and CEO
Douglas G. Elliot