Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society

Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society

Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society founded in 1852, has some £1.6 billion in assets under management. The company's products are distributed through a network of independent agents. As a mutual society, MGM Advantage has no shareholders, but rather is owned by a group of its policyholders. Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society, better known as MGM Advantage, has no connection to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer or their roaring lion. Mutual insurer MGM Advantage, which formerly conducted business as MGM Assurance, provides financial services, pension products, life insurance, mortgages, and annuities to customers in the UK.

Contact Details

Office Address

Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society
MGM House, Heene Road
Worthing, WS, UK BN113AT
Phone: +44-1903-836-067
Fax: +44-1903-836-006



Sir William Proby


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