Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Milano Assicurazioni sells auto, accident, health, fire, casualty, and marine insurance, as well as reinsurance. Car insurance is its largest segment, accounting for more than 50% of written premiums, though Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. has seen healthy growth in its life segment as well. In business since 1825, Milano Assicurazioni is one of the oldest insurance firms in Italy. Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. is part of the Fondiaria-SAI insurance group, controlled by the Ligresti family through the Premafin Finanziaria holding company. In 1997 Fondiaria moved its Previdente Assicurazioni operations into Milano Assicurazioni.
Contact Details
Honorary Chairman
Salvatore Ligresti
Chairman and CEO
Prof Fausto Marchionni