Vodafone D2 GmbH
Vodafone D2 is the second largest communications carrier in Germany in terms of subscribers, after incumbent operator Deutsche Telekom. The company, a subsidiary of UK wireless carrier Vodafone Group, offers mobile, as well as fixed-line services. It provides service to more than 30 million wireless customers and about 20 million wireline customers. It is the largest geographic segment of its parent by revenues. In addition to voice calling, the subsidiary offers such wireless data services as mobile Internet and its Vodafone live! mobile news and entertainment portal. Landline service is sold under the Arcor brand. It makes sales through about 200 retail locations throughout the country.
Contact Details
Office Address
Vodafone D2 GmbH
Am Seestern 1
Düsseldorf, Germany 40547
Phone: +0211-533-0
Fax: +0211-533-2200
Chairman Supervisory Board
Michel Combes
Chairman Executive Committee
Friedrich P. (Fritz) Joussen