Parrot S.A.
This Parrot has a Blue Tooth. Parrot markets a variety of wireless gadgets that use Blue Tooth wireless technology. The company's products, which include chipsets, USB dongles, home and car sound systems, wireless phones, hands-free kits, photo viewers, personal navigation devices, and a host of car accessories, are made by subcontractors. Parrot customers include car manufacturers, car accessories dealers, and the general public in more than 75 countries. The company has operations in the US and throughout Europe. Parrot is eyeing the US as its main expansion target. Founder, chairman, and CEO Henri Seydoux owns about 40% of the company.
Contact Details
Office Address
Parrot S.A.
174 quai de Jemmapes
Paris, FRANCE 75010
Phone: +33-1-48-03-60-60
Fax: +33-1-48-03-06-66
Chairman and CEO
Henri Seydoux
Nicolas Besnard