AskMe Corporation
AskMe will tell you how to share what you know. AskMe develops knowledge management software that helps companies make the most of their employees' knowledge and expertise, enabling them to speed up research and development efforts, improve communication across departments and remote offices, and increase the effectiveness of other technology systems such as enterprise portals or document management systems. The company's software captures and stores employees' knowledge, provides shared access to documents, and enables staff to locate colleagues with specialized skills or expertise. In June 2008 the company was acquired by Realcom, a Japan-based provider of content and knowledge management offerings.
Contact Details
Office Address
AskMe Corporation
2300, 130th Ave NE, Suite A-101
Bellevue, WA, USA 98005
Phone: +425-564-9000
Fax: +425-564-9200
Udai Shekawat
General Manager, Enterprise Business
Anil Kumar