CLINICARE Corporation
CLINICARE cares for North America's doctors by helping them computerize their medical records. The company provides electronic medical records (EMRs), practice management, and other software for more than 200 physician groups and practices in Canada and -- through subsidiary CHARTCARE -- in the US. The Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Canadian Organization for Advancement of Computers in Health (COACH), IBM, and Toshiba are partners of CLINICARE, among others. The company was established in 1984 by Dennis Niebergal (VP of industry relations) and Dan Gallelli, who are the controlling shareholders of CLINICARE.
Contact Details
Office Address
CLINICARE Corporation
#300, 3553 - 31 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2L 2K7
Phone: +403-259-2273
Fax: +403-259-2400
Chairman and Medical Advisor
William Haver
President and CEO
Dennis Niebergal
Fred Hobday