Siparex Croissance SCA

Siparex Croissance SCA

Siparex Croissance has holdings in some 200 French and international companies, including businesses in the food, IT, and medical sectors. Its holdings include such firms as Botanic (consumer garden products), La Grande Récré (major French toy and game retailer), and Martin Belaysoud Expansion (industrial and plumbing supplies). Due to the worldwide slump in technology stocks, Siparex is focusing its new investments on a smaller number of companies with established track records and experienced management. Some of the largest French banks, companies, and institutional investors dominate Siparex's shareholders, owning almost three-quarters of its stock.

Contact Details

Office Address

Siparex Croissance SCA
139, rue Vendôme
Lyon Cedex 06, FRANCE 69477
Phone: +33-4-72-83-23-23
Fax: +33-4-72-83-23-00


Chairman and CEO

Dominique Nouvellet

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