The United Mine Workers of America is a growing union with a diverse membership that includes coal miners, clean coal technicians, health care workers, truck drivers, manufacturing workers and public employees throughout the United States and Canada. In the face of an unrelentingly hostile environment for union organizing in the United States, the UMWA is achieving significant success in providing workers with a voice on the job and financial security at home. The international union today continues the fight we began in 1890 for safe workplaces, good wages and benefits and fair representation in workplaces throughout North America. The United Mine Workers of America and our members are a major economic and social presence in the communities in which we live. Our local unions sponsor local sports teams and scout troops. Our members are coaches and volunteers. We believe in community service because we want our communities to be the best they can be. The good union wages, comprehensive health benefits and secure pensions our active and retired members receive form the foundation of our local economies. Numerous outreach programs in such diverse areas as education, job training and access to quality health services ensure that towns and villages in frequently rural, remote locations get the attention they deserve.