The Chartered Institute of Marketing

Some, at least, are being trained at The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Much like other professions, such as accounting and real estate, the CIM has a certification program that leads to its members qualifying to hold the title of Chartered Marketer. Founded in 1911 as the Sales Managers' Association, the UK organization evolved to take in distribution and marketing as professional concerns. The institute received a royal charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1989. The CIM has some 50,000 members worldwide and overseas branches in Australia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
Contact Details
Office Address
The Chartered Institute of Marketing
Moor Hall, Cookham
Berkshire, UK SL6 9QH
Phone: +44-1628-427-120
Fax: +44-1628-427-499
Chris Lenton
Roderick E. (Rod) Wilkes