Sobul, Primes & Schenkel

Sobul, Primes & Schenkel provides closely held entrepreneurial clients with the same standards, competency and professionalism as any of the major national accounting firms. In addition, we offer clients a greater level of service as well as much more intimate contact with the people working on their behalf. They know that at least one principal is always available who is briefed on the nature of their business. There is never an occasion when we say "no, we can't help you with that." Whatever you need, we will rally the integrated resources necessary, internally or externally as facilitators, to provide it.
Sobul, Primes & Schenkel has a formal, thorough approach to every client. Our method provides for several levels of review to ensure that we are consistently bringing to bear all of the resources that we have assembled on staff. It is a matter of internal and quality control. After all, we are running a business ourselves, the business of accounting, which demands the same kinds of controls we recommend to our clients.