Ropes & Gray LLP

Ropes & Gray LLP

Ropes & Gray is a leading global law firm with offices in Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, London, New York, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Tokyo, and Washington, DC. Built on a foundation of over 140 years of dedication to forging strong client relationships, we represent interests across a broad spectrum of industries in corporate law and litigation matters. In addition, we offer counsel on labor and employment issues, tax and benefits, creditors' rights, and private client services. Our clients range in size from large to small companies and include financial institutions, government agencies, hospitals and health care organizations, colleges and universities, and families and individuals.

Ropes & Gray has a long history of serving sophisticated clients while developing outstanding lawyers. This legacy is the product of teamwork - both between attorney and client and among our attorneys - and it makes our firm a very special place for our clients.

Contact Details

Office Address

Ropes & Gray LLP
One International Place
Boston, MA, USA 02110-2624
Phone: (617) 951-7000
Fax: (617) 951-7050

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