Groupe Crit, S.A.
When manpower is a mission-critical issue, Groupe Crit is ready to report for duty. Groupe Crit provides staffing to companies in such industries as manufacturing, health care, and transportation. The company, which has some 500 agency offices, does business primarily in France through such operating units as AB Int�rim, Crit Int�rim, Effika, and Mayday Travail Temporaire; Group Crit also has operations in Germany, Morocco, Spain, and Switzerland. Groupe Crit's other operations include airport services, industrial maintenance, security services, industrial supply, and engineering services. Claude Guedj founded the company in 1962.
Contact Details
Office Address
Groupe Crit, S.A.
152 bis, avenue Gabriel Peri
Saint-Ouen, FRANCE 93400
Phone: +33-1-49-18-55-55
Fax: +33-1-42-12-02-84
Chairman and CEO
Claude Guedj
Director Financial Communications and CFO
Thierry de Veyrac