Neo Advisory, Inc.

Neo Advisory, Inc.

Neo Advisory consulting firm (formerly operating as "neoIT") advises US companies on the details of offshore outsourcing, vetting vendors and taking clients on tours of the many countries eager to take advantage of the outsourcing boom. Founded in 1999, Neo Advisory company serves clients in the financial services, health care, telecommunications, and oil and gas industries, among others. Customers have included Chevron and Citigroup. Neo Advisory owns offices in India, the Philippines, and the US.

Contact Details

Office Address

Neo Advisory, Inc.
2880 Zanker Road, Suite 203
San Jose, CA, USA 95134
Phone: (415) 462-0569
Fax: (415) 462-5450



Atul Vashistha

Managing Director

Sandeep Karoor

Business Reviews for Neo Advisory, Inc.

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