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Ford Fusion 1.6 Duratec Petrol

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About Ford Fusion 1.6 Duratec Petrol

The new Ford Fusion Petrol,the No Nonsense car! With more space for everything, a compact shape for city driving and an all-pep best-in-class 1.6 L Duratec engine that gives more power. With it's all new looks, new interiors, flexible space & high ground clearance and high seating the New Fusion is perfect for driving in the city or anywhere else for that matter!

The new wide front bumpers and body side mouldings contribute to the tough bold look of the car while ensuring that your Fusion stays protected in city traffic and is not subject to nicks and scratches that plague while it rides the road. The large windscreen area ensures better visibility while the front and rear fog fog lamps light up the road for you ahead you. New prominent cubic mesh front grille gives the Fusion a bold & stylish look. A look, supplemented by the new headlamps complete with integrated turn indicators.

A No-nonsense, all-pep, best-in-class, 1.6L Duratec petrol engine, with drive-by-wire technology delivers 146 Nm torque and 101PS power. It simply means that whether you are driving in crowded city conditions or on the highways, you will be leaving others far behind. The stylish dual-tone Avocado interiors with the matching seat fabric & door trim make the new Fusion more luxurious than ever before. There's also a new soft-touch dashboard and an instrument panel that features a digital clock and a distance-to-empty indicator.

for Ford Fusion 1.6 Duratec Petrol specification, click here

Ford Fusion 1.6 Duratec Petrol
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Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq EXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq ZXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq SXI

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