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Ford Fusion 1.4 TDCi Diesel

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About Ford Fusion 1.4 TDCi Diesel

The new Ford Fusion Diesel takes no-nonsense to the next level of practicality. It is powered by the 1.4 L Duratorq diesel engine with Ford's proprietary TDCi technology for great refinement and fuel efficiency. And with 160 Nm torque at 2000 rpm, it also gives you more than enough pulling power for great city driving. Making it an even more sensible car.

Great looks

An SUV-like stance and a car's footprint gives the Ford Fusion a very distinct style. It's lozenge shaped headlamps and bold front cubic mesh grille also gives it a presence like no other car

Luxurious interiors

The gorgeous twin pod instrument console, two-tone avocado interiors, soft touch dash board add a distinct air of luxury. The new instrument panel has a digital clock and a distance-to-empty indicator that lets you know how far you can go on the fuel you have.

Higher is better

Thanks to the large 15" wheels, the Fusion's ground clearance is more than any other car, In fact, it is higher than most SUVs too. The seats are higher, which enables easy entry and exit, as also better visibility. The wide body and well-proportioned seats offer comfortable seating for five adults

More space

Thanks to the 60:40 rear split folding seats, the boot space can expand from the normal 337 litres to a cavernous 1175 litres. Which means, if you need to take your labrador to the vet, you won't run out of space. And it's not just about the space in the boot. The cabin has over 10 innovative storage ideas that give ample space.

Getting smarter

The Fusion has lots of thoughtful ideas that will make your driving experience better. There are approach lights that come on while remote unlocking. You'll appreciate it when you are parked in the dark. There's also a remote key that can be programmed to open specific doors. The battery saver switches the lights off, in case you forget to do so. And many other smart features you'll discover and fall in love with as you drive the Fusion.

for Ford Fusion 1.4 TDCi Diesel specification, click here

Ford Fusion 1.4 TDCi Diesel
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Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq EXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq ZXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq SXI

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